For students in need:

The Shield Fund resources are available to medical students who are unable to meet both immediate and non-immediate, essential expenses due to temporary hardship related to an unforeseen or emergency situation. The goal of this program is to provide financial assistance in a timely manner to help students continue excelling academically, personally, socially, emotionally and more. Funds received through The Shield Fund will be provided as grants to ensure that this assistance does not lead to sustained or perpetual financial hardship. 

All requests for emergency funds will be reviewed in detail by a board consisting of five medical student representatives from student organizations and three faculty members in the University of Michigan Department of Surgery on a monthly basis. The Shield Fund will review applications based on demonstrated need, with the goal of providing equitable access to emergency funds within the limits of available funding. The Shield Fund does not guarantee that it will be able to cover the full quantity of funds requested.  Due to the fluid and rapidly evolving nature of an emergency response, criteria and covered expenses may be adjusted on a case-by-case basis as the board members seek to assist students navigating hardship.